MATChE Webinar #6: Teknologi & data

Om denne præsentation

I dette webinar vil du lære om paratheden af ’teknologi & data'’, som måler evnerne til at skabe værdi gennem forbedret datastyring og deling af de tilgængelige løsninger. Webinaret foregik online den 28. januar kl. 15:00 - 15:30 og præsenteres af Professor Tim McAloone på engelsk.

Q&A from the webinar

How does one know what data to collect and how to convert it to useful information and then generate valuable knowledge from it?
- Basically, the idea is to help the company to have a view of the whole value chain and their product lifecycle to identify where to make the opportunities.
- One of our very helpful tools can be found on our website under tools and if you filter for Technology & Data you can see all the relevant ones. One really good one is the Data Science Process. This tool is helping us to understand how to really step through to prepare the data, to validate the data, to model it, and so forth. It also support the companies in identifying what data they have available and how it can prove useful.

So technology can help us solve some of these issues, but hasn’t new technology and how quickly it is outdated also put on in a situation of overconsumption?
- We are adding electronics to products, which also add complexity in the end-of-life treatment of the products. That is exactly why we need a systemic view on circular economy implementation, where we also consider the design for reusability and recyclability in the first place. We should also remember that the electronics are consuming energy during their use phase, which of course should be minimized.

How sustainable is it to add electronics and IoT into all sorts of products?
- It depends on how active we are going to use the data. It is different to balance, but if we can justify the prolonged lifetime or improved efficiency then it should be implemented.

What are your thoughts on how non-manufacturing organisations can leverage technology and data to mainstream circular economy in their service/value offering?
- There is still lots of potential for other companies. This can be e.g. platforms to manage the data and products or allow consumers to share them.


Det første skridt i enhver omstilling er at have en fornemmelse af den nuværende situation og en beslutning for hvor man skal starte. Men hvordan finder du din virksomheds cirkulære potentialer og hvordan kan du vide du er parat til at forfølge dem? MATChE Parathedsvurdering er et gratis online værktøj, som muliggør, at du og dine kollegaer kan vurdere jeres virksomheds omstillingsparathed til en cirkulær økonomi, forstå jeres styrker og svagheder og definere det rette fokusområde for jeres virksomhed at koncentrere jeres omstilling på først. Bagved vurderingen i parathed og processen til at øge virksomheders parathed til en cirkulær økonomi ligger MATChE metodologien. Metodologien bygger på forskning og videnskabelige studier udført ved Danmarks Tekniske Universitet. Den tager stilling til 8 dimensioner af forretningsaktiviteter, som er kritiske at have for øje i en omstilling til cirkulær økonomi. Den flerdimensionelle fremgangsmåde er en nødvendighed, da Cirkulær Økonomi er bredt emne, som kan berøre alle felter indenfor din virksomhed.

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