
Find answers to the most common questions asked about ready2LOOP.

Log in & Registration

Why do I need to indicate my Areas of Expertise?

Your Areas of Expertise contribute to the Readiness results. The better the Coverage of Expertise Areas from within your company, the more you will be able to trust the results. Therefore, be honest when evaluating your skills; only you can see your evaluation and you can always update your Expertise Areas later.

I did not receive a confirmation email?

Have you checked your email spam filter? If you still experience difficulties, please contact

Why do you need my company email?

This is our approach to check if respondents actually work for the specific company stated, to ensure that no hoax or incorrect assessments are made, and to connect your profile and responses to your company’s overall Readiness Assessment.

How do I change my company email?

If you get a new company email, you will have to create a new personal account. Let us know if this is the case and we can transfer your previous profile (which is linked to your previous submitted Readiness Assessments). Send us an email at

Company & Employee Profile

Can I make a Readiness Assessment without having a company profile?

In order to be able to carry out the Readiness Assessment you must have a registered company profile. The purpose of the Readiness Assessment is to evaluate the Readiness of the company on its transition to Circular Economy, hence you must be part of a registered company and not an individual.

Can I register more than one company profile?

In principle, yes. If you work for more than one company, you can create additional company profiles, as long as you have a corresponding company email to enable registration.

Can I delete my employee profile?

Yes. You can always delete your employee profile. Just send an email to with your request.


Why do I need to select a scope?

A company scope is the lens you look through, when evaluating your business. It can either be from the level of the 'whole company' or a specific 'business unit'. Especially, in larger organisations the Readiness level may vary considerably, depending on the technology focus, business model, or value chain complexity. Hence, it can be valuable to divide the scope into your company’s specific business units. Therefore, please select the scope suitable for your company and keep this firmly in mind, throughout the Readiness Assessment. You are welcome to complete the Readiness Assessment for every business unit (and the whole company), from your own individual employee profile.

Can I create a new or delete a business unit?

Yes, when you start the Readiness Assessment you can add a new business unit. Please be sure the chosen business unit name is 100% correct and that it does not already exist, as it will be accessible by all colleagues connected to the same company profile. If you find that you need to delete or merge business units, please send a request to, so we can create the necessary links and adjustments between registered business units.

Can I see results for business units, which I did not contribute to?

Yes, you can see all results (including the scope of your entire company and all business units) connected to the company profile. The calculations are explained in your Readiness results page.

Guidance for Assessment

How much time does it take to do the Readiness Assessment?

It takes approximately 20-30 minutes the first time you do the Readiness Assessment. If you make another assessment, it will most likely take just 10-15 minutes.

Will my Readiness score be saved while I run the Assessment?

You can start the Readiness Assessment now and come back later, if you do not have time to answer all 30 questions at once. Maybe you also need to go and check the answer to a particular question, which will require a bit of time. Your scoring will be saved, as long as you have a stable internet connection. And you can always come back later, to update your responses.

Can I run multiple Assessments?

Yes, you can make a Readiness Assessment for different scopes; one for the 'whole company' and one for each 'business unit' connected your company profile. You can also update your previously submitted Readiness Assessment.

Scoring Instructions

How do I give a score for Dimensions with which I'm not familiar?

Give it a score based on what you know. Only few people are familiar with every single detail of their company. You know your part of the company, which is sufficient to be able to fill out the Readiness Assessment. You can update your Readiness Assessment over and over again, choose not to answer questions that you are uncertain about, or invite a colleague to complement your knowledge gap, by inviting them to provide their responses to the Readiness Assessment.

Data Use & Security

How do you protect my data?

We are using HTTPS for secure communication, which means that all data are encrypted at all time and nobody can access your data. You can only create an account if you have a valid company email. When you register your company email, you will receive a confirmation email so that we make sure it belongs to you.

What kind of company data do you have access to?

We only have access to data, which is publicly available. We use the Danish website (Danish Business Authority) to verify companies’ CVRs, size, primary and secondary sectors, geography, and domains (only for Danish companies).

Readiness Results

Can I share my employee Readiness score with colleagues?

No, it is not possible to share personal assessments. Only consolidated assessments of the company will be made accessible to employees connected the company profile, as we believe it is more valuable with an Assessment representing multiple perspectives, compared to your own responses, which will we treat as your personal perception and judgement.

Who can see my results?

Your employee score is confidential and is consolidated into the calculation of the overall company score. Employee and company Readiness scores are kept confidential and not shared with any 3rd party in any way. Only benchmarking data based on consolidated and anonymised results are shared, in a way that the results cannot be traced back to individual companies. Benchmarking will first be available, when we can consolidate data from at least 10 companies.

Can I withdraw my submitted Readiness score?

You can always delete your submitted Readiness Assessments by sending an email to , after which we will ensure to fully delete your data.


Why should I invite a colleague to do the Readiness Assessment?

The Readiness Assessment is an evaluation of the Readiness level of your company, based on the perception and judgement of the individual employees. As Circular Economy embraces most areas of a business, the scoring becomes more representative and precise, the more scores that are submitted, by employees representing different areas of your business. The more colleagues you invite, the more robust the results will be.

How do I invite colleagues to my company profile?

When you log in, please go to your personal Dashboard, from where you can invite one or more colleagues. Alternatively, just send a link to

If you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at

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