Our sponsor

The ready2LOOP project is supported by the Danish Industry Foundation, which is an engaged philanthropic Foundation, with the purpose of supporting and enhancing the competitiveness of the Danish industry.


The backbone of ready2LOOP

With one of their main focus areas being Sustainable Production, the Industry Foundation has the goal of supporting the Danish manufacturing sector to be the world's most sustainable.

The Foundation has been supporting our work on Circular Economy Readiness since ready2LOOP's predecessor project, MATChE.

Our team

We are a group of DTU researchers, determined to help companies to successfully transition towards a Circular Economy.

Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

Tim C. McAloone
Tim C. McAloone

Professor, Project Lead

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Daniela Pigosso
Daniela Pigosso

Associate Professor, Co-Lead

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Giovana Monteiro Gomes
Giovana Monteiro Gomes

Researcher, Value Chain

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Krestine Mougaard
Krestine Mougaard

Business Developer

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Frederik Wilhardt
Frederik Wilhardt


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Nikolaj Holm
Nikolaj Holm


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Jytte Laursen
Jytte Laursen

Project Administration & Communication

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Niels Steen
Niels Steen

Student Assistant, Value Chain and Tools

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Astrid Halberg Binnerup
Astrid Halberg Binnerup

Student Assistant, Value Chain and Tools

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Ida Toft Kristensen
Ida Toft Kristensen

Student Assistant, Communication & outreach

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Manon Villers
Manon Villers

Research Assistant

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Antonio Magdić
Antonio Magdić

Platform Developer, Superfluo d.o.o.

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Niki Bey
Niki Bey

Senior Manager, Strategic Sustainability Consulting

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Viegand & Maagøe

Viegand & Maagøe

Jia Johannes Chen
Jia Johannes Chen

Junior Project Manager

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Licensed consultancies

These companies are licensed ready2LOOP consultancies who can help you with your transition to Circular Economy in Denmark. Click to learn more about them!

Our Steering Committee

Our Steering Committee is comprised by important representatives from Danish business and key for ensuring a high impact and relevance of the ready2LOOP platform in industry.

Markus Bjerre
Markus Bjerre

Steering Committee Member (Danish Business Agency)

Nigel Edmondson
Nigel Edmondson

Steering Committee Member (MADE)

Jacob Kjeldsen
Jacob Kjeldsen

Steering Committee Member (DI)

But does it work?
See for yourself!

The ready2LOOP methodology builds on research and scientific studies performed by our research team at the Technical University of Denmark.

university developed methodology

scientific papers analysed

total assessments performed

readiness score of the manufacturing industry

Our story

Curious how ready2LOOP came to be? The ready2LOOP platform builds on the foundation of the MATChE platform, which has helped over 450 manufacturing companies to increase their readiness to transition to Circular Economy.

Read below to find out all about it.

The need for MATChE

The team behind both MATChE and ready2LOOP is the same. We are a group of DTU researchers, determined to help companies to successfully transition towards a Circular Economy.

We observed many companies being excited about Circular Economy and creating circular business models and pilot projects. However, many of these pilot projects failed, due to lack of readiness within their organisations.

Supported by the Danish Industry Foundation, the MATChE* platform was created on the basis of a project that set out to help manufacturing companies to assess and improve their readiness to transition to Circular Economy.

*MATChE = MAking the Transition to Circular Economy

But what was MATChE?

The MATChE platform was created as a science-based approach to help manufacturing companies to (i) assess their readiness according to eight circularity dimensions; (ii) plan and execute a transition process, to improved circularity; and (iii) assist the transition through the selection of tools and methods at key points in the process.

It was created for manufacturing companies, but many company types got hold of the platform and started using it too...

Expansion to other Value Chain layers

Even though MATChE was designed and operated with manufacturing companies in mind, many other company types also saw the need to check their circularity readiness. This was one important reason for us to create the new ready2LOOP platform, in order to ask the right readiness questions to the right company type - and to support with tools that are relevant for different parts of the value chain.

Our other reason to expand the platform was the recognition that no one company can achieve circularity alone; the whole value chain simply needs to be involved. We also learned that under 25% of the companies on the MATChE platform had even begun thinking about value chain collaboration for circularity, let alone begun reaching out across the value chain.

Time for ready2LOOP

With the recognition of the interest in circular readiness assessment from multiple company types, combined with the recognition that Circular Economy is only possible if the whole value chain is on board, the concept of ready2LOOP was born!

Supported once again by the Danish Industry Foundation, we are now using the same science-based approach to build seven new value chain layers on to the platform, each with its own Circular Readiness assessment, each with its own recommendations, each with its own tools and methods.

This time, we’re also engaging with external consultants, whom we have trained and authorised to aid with the transition process, through Accelerator programmes.

Get started today!

Regardless of whether you want to start your transition to Circular Economy by yourself, or get help along the way through an Accelerator, you should start by assesing your current Circular Readiness. Sign-in and get started for free!

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