MATChE Webinar #7: Brug, support & vedligehold

Om denne præsentation

I dette webinar vil du lære om paratheden af ’Brug, support & vedligehold’, som måler evnerne for forbedret vedligehold og reparationsydelser, med henblik på forlænget værdiskabelse af de tilgængelige løsninger. Webinaret foregår online den 28. januar kl. 15:30 - 16:00 og præsenteres af Professor Daniela Pigosso på engelsk. 

Q&A from the webinar

Are you planning to integrate third megatrend (urbanisation and its influences) for CE into further research?
- Urbanisation is an important area for CE and should be looked into to increase how circular our cities, regions and countries are. We are looking into how we can expand the MATChE platform into more than just the manufacturing sector. We hope to receive all your inputs for this or other potentials for the future MATChE platform.

Have you investigated the case where the repair is made in other country and the product need to be transport? In this case, you are more eco-friendly (product wise), but, there is also a transport impact, mainly with emissions and handling. What are your insights about this?
- We should be very aware of the rebound effects, and whether we have the right infrastructure to provide repair and maintenance services. We urge companies to of course use local sub-contractors for this. This focus in relevant both in terms of a cost and an environmental perspective.

Why do you think the B2B sector is rather low in this area? Wouldn’t long lasting relationships concerning service and maintenance for products especially between companies be of interest?
- Many of the companies that are requiring heavy machinery have their own maintenance departments that are responsible for repairing the products they own. For those companies, it would be a big change to allow access through all suppliers to support the maintenance and repair of all their assets.

Assuming catering to the government (B2G) puts certain requirements for companies (hence higher maintenance service), what other factors can enable faster adoption of support/maintenance strategies by B2B and B2C?
- Green public procurement is a hidden champion in terms of sustainability transition and practise. Increasing regulation in terms of longer life of products is very likely, and that might affect especially the B2C companies.

Why are sharing systems so low?
- Usually sharing systems, that we think of, are developed by third parties that purchase products from manufacturers. Our data is coming from manufacturing companies, and sharing systems is still quite new for them. But a many exploring and moving from actual sales into the product/service systems, and we expect that they will be more likely to implement more sharing systems, not only for B2C but also B2B.


Det første skridt i enhver omstilling er at have en fornemmelse af den nuværende situation og en beslutning for hvor man skal starte. Men hvordan finder du din virksomheds cirkulære potentialer og hvordan kan du vide du er parat til at forfølge dem? MATChE Parathedsvurdering er et gratis online værktøj, som muliggør, at du og dine kollegaer kan vurdere jeres virksomheds omstillingsparathed til en cirkulær økonomi, forstå jeres styrker og svagheder og definere det rette fokusområde for jeres virksomhed at koncentrere jeres omstilling på først. Bagved vurderingen i parathed og processen til at øge virksomheders parathed til en cirkulær økonomi ligger MATChE metodologien. Metodologien bygger på forskning og videnskabelige studier udført ved Danmarks Tekniske Universitet. Den tager stilling til 8 dimensioner af forretningsaktiviteter, som er kritiske at have for øje i en omstilling til cirkulær økonomi. Den flerdimensionelle fremgangsmåde er en nødvendighed, da Cirkulær Økonomi er bredt emne, som kan berøre alle felter indenfor din virksomhed.

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